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These are the twisted and deadly blades in which i ravage your soul!!
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   Tuesday, April 02, 2002
The Rotting Effect

Scene of the slaughter
Blood soaked hands
You run nothing was wrong
Did it all because you think you are strong

This is the way you do things
Another death or another child?
Gone without a trace
Raped or crushed?Shattered face

Can you not remember?
The lies you told??
The pain you caused??
Powerful disease...All lost

Spreading your seed ,killing the unaware
Raping or just luring them in
Spawning maniacs,Diseased Half alive garbage
Knowing you're the man(in your mind)

Being a loser all your life
Payback is hell
Gunshot Changed your face
Half starved....a total disgrace

People laughing,Children crying
Salvation never will be yours
Tainted by your (DADDY)
Killing weaker than you......gladly

Feeling you will never die
Power running through you
Time to face your fate
One more victim ...too late

Stumbling Towards the wrong one
She knows who you are
Enticing you to be the (man)
Pulling the trigger,,blind!!
Failed your plan

Not dying of the final insult
Prison guards your only friends
Every night hell awaits
Raped daily( Irony ) Vengeance comes back to you