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These are the twisted and deadly blades in which i ravage your soul!!
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   Saturday, March 30, 2002
Only One

Hello baby,How are you
Please speak to me
It's been days since i heard your voice
Don't be this way.....I don't get a choice??

Open your eyes,Blood trailing
look at me,red dry tears
Blind,can not see,I'll cut out my eyes
So you can see me,Please look at me

Respond to my voice
Hear my loving words
Deafening myself for you
So you can hear...Please hear me

Speak to me ..please don't be angry
I want to feel your breath on my neck
Maybe if i sew my mouth shut you will speak
My melodic angel,Grace me.or are you too weak

I want to hold you
But you don't realize i'm here
Why are you so cold,What have i done
You bathe in red waters,frigid like my heart
Please tell me we will never be apart

Touch me!! I beg of you
Tell me its ok...lips so blue
So cold i will warm you my love
Ridged and pale,what is wrong??
Your look/your touch /your voice
Sing to me our song

Are you in pain..those scars on your wrists
The look of panic on your face
The blue ring round your neck.
Twisted and broken
I love you

Please speak.hold me
Love me i'm sorry
Goodnight my love
See you Again soon
Until next time......goodbye

   Thursday, March 28, 2002

Born only to be damned
Evil from birth
Unclean and forever dying
Magickal Whisperings,Blood scrying

Nightmare unfolding
Before the christian crusaders
Doubting their god,they kill...
Those not like them,Of stronger will

They try to drown the wicked
As their soul burns
Agony surpasses them
Lies flowing from their blistered tongues

Hypocrites,Casting out the Unclean
Sins in their minds,in their hearts
Pushing through you,To satisfy (god)
Hate you,Kill you,Drag you down with me

Never again will we be suppressed
We again rise to claim our own
Curses and spells fly like ravens
Enveloping you,Like a Blanket of night

Night falls,this is your final heartbeat
One last breath bring you closer to me
Stepped on us??NEVER AGAIN!!!
Try and break this chain of misery

Legions of the dark,we will conquer
Drawing power from the hate of the world
We are the children of Gaia
And you will NEVER stop us!!!

to all you...
......Fuck you!!!!!!.........
......We are not wrong!!
.....Just different!!
....In a world of right and wrong......